white flag

saying yes to the Lord.  now in  eternal covenant to take the descending road He offers. a descent not void of light or bread or bandages.  lowering my rope into “not my will but yours Lord”.  scaling the raven blackness of my heart to find Him.  trust Him.

here not there.  all problems begin here.  self. my self. the self that knows well how to sabotage life;  bear arms, camouflage, maneuver.  in childhood we learn. we practice. we memorize hurt.

saying yes,  He came. He accepts. He loves. and He undoes my doings…one hurt at a time.

i did not always refuse Him. but the times i did are clear in rearview images. detours, roadblocks and landmines unwittingly set throughout these thirty years…by self

white flag! not to you my enemy.  white flag to my biggest Fan, my soul Supporter

surrendered life; neutralized clearing,  path to peace…

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